technological forms and ecological communication

Portada de technological forms and ecological communication


Investigating the phenomena of technology science technique and mass communication Piyush Mathur contends that the enterprise of science communication may be misleading visavis technologyif in part because it frequently coextends with a flawed but dominant notion of science that presumptuously implicates technology anyway Grappling with what authentically constitutes science and the prospective effects of its realization on a global future of mass communication Mathur explores how various technological forms play specifically into ecologically sensitive mass communication The result is an ecocommunicative theory of technology that includes its classification based upon a set of qualitative principles and a profile of the notion of development On the whole though Technological Forms and Ecological Communication A Theoretical Heuristic brings the fields of philosophy and history of science philosophy and sociology of technology communication studies and development studies into conversation with one another

  • ISBN: 9781498520478
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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