media and the common good. perspectives on media, democracy and responsibility

Portada de media and the common good. perspectives on media, democracy and responsibility


  • ISBN: 9789966738486
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

On 30th December 2008, the President of Kenya, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, assented to the controversial Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act 2008 which commenced on 2nd January 2009. This Presidential move had a deep impact on the long discussions, arguments and negotiations that were already in high gear by October 2006, when the Fourth Annual Ethics Conference on Media and the Common Good was held at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya. The essays in this book make a case for media freedom as well as media responsibility. Let the media create a culture of truth. Let the media not forsake the citizens; let them seek and disseminate the truth; let them not destroy the education, virtues and faith for which so many have shed their blood in Kenya, Africa and elsewhere. May reason prevail, guided by wisdom towards Truth.

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