Etiquetado: Narrativa de ciencia ficción


el atlas de las nubes

Varias historias se desarrollan en diversas líneas temporales, pero, aunque son independientes y tienen lugar a lo largo de cinco siglos, todas están relacionadas y repercuten en las demás, lo que desata drama, misterio,...


the bigfoot rebellion

People vanishing from the forest without a trace. Reports of large, hairy beasts stalking hikers and campers. Sensationalist news shows blame it all on bigfoots, but J.T. Meeks doesn&#39,t believe it. After all, these...


no light tomorrow

Some things are so accepted as to be taken for granted. While the far future is shrouded in uncertainty, there are expectations often considered assured that are overlooked. There is only one you, threats...


second planet

&nbsp, &nbsp,The Earth is dying.&nbsp,The world runs under one central government known as The Union, a ruthless and desperate organization on a search to find another planet for colonization. When Earth receives a mysterious...


agents of paradise

Christopher A. Miller&rsquo,s reality-bending tale of creation and rebellion on a cosmic scale takes us to a place where history can change with the whim of powerful beings which defy understanding, and traces of...


moon scars

In his stories, in which high literature meets videogames and comics, and where Tarantino runs alongside the geometric nightmares dreamt up by Lovecraft, &Aacute,ngel Luis Sucasas goes against the flow of conventional fantasy and...



After Second Kansas the world waits for the other shoe to drop. The Kresh have come twice and been held off by Colin Rourke and the Soulguard. Defenses are growing and the forces of...


the wastelanders

When water is scarce, a drop is more precious than gold. America is controlled by a corporate oligarchy known as the Water Cartel and warrior-priest Joey Hawke finds himself trapped between a mysterious geneticist...



Could Allie stop the madness before the world changed forever?After a wonderful celebration in Hawaii, Allie returns to the Niner community in Montana and learns her brother Doug plans to run for a seat...


the mistake of madame atomos

ISBN: 9781612270692 Encuadernación: Sin formato definido The deadly Madame Atomos is a brilliant but twisted Japanese scientist who is out to avenge herself against the United States for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,...