think with the heart – love with the mind

Portada de think with the heart – love with the mind

In this revolutionary work, Dr. Paul Dugliss offers the keys to rapid inner growth and the expansion of success in all areas of life. Whether you have been a spiritual seeker and have yet to find your path, or you have been on a path for many years, this important work will offer you the means for accelerating your inner development.&nbsp,_,

  • ISBN: 9780998347905
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

Your 30-day Guide to Inner Growth This book is thirty days of practical knowledge and techniques showing how to apply the wisdom from Think with the Heart / Love with the Mind. This workbook is indispensable in turning wisdom into application in daily life. Each day has a quote from the book or a relevant quote for the day. It is followed by instruction on enhancing your meditation. Each day also has an exercise or practice for thinking with the heart and one for loving with the mind. Take this workbook and make it your own by journaling your experiences for each day in the note section provided. The day's message is documented in color photographs that convey metaphorically the wisdom of that day. Enjoy the beauty as you unfold the beauty within.

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