the war of the worlds

Portada de the war of the worlds

La guerra de los mundos es una novela de ciencia ficción escrita por H. G. Wells y publicada por primera vez en 1898, que describe una invasión marciana a la Tierra.

Unabridged value reproduction of The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells is a must-have collectable for every bookshelf. The War of the Worlds is nonstop suspenseful action that every other alien sci-fi tale must compare itself against.The War of the Worlds is a tale that can be viewed in many ways as it has multiple layers of social theory, master race evolution, and political theory, which makes it much more interesting than at first would appear.This is the same tale which Orson Welles adapted to create hysteria for his radio drama of 1938.Up for an all-night adventure steeped in suspense?&nbsp, Read the heart quickening tale in this unabridged, affordably printed volume that drives the reader to the last page.Contents

  • ISBN: 9781640320772
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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