the story of human spiritual evolution

Portada de the story of human spiritual evolution

  • ISBN: 9781479735082
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

This book is one of a kind. It traces the history of human awareness of God and belief back to its earliest roots, long before the Bible, the Koran, the Upanishads and other writings. It shows how the foundation for belief in God was contained within the instant of creation itself. Scientists call this the big bang. It shows that as the universe developed there came a point in human development where we had the capability to begin to be aware of an afterlife. These ideas were primitive by our standards today but they served to create a solid foundation for increasing complex and more thorough understandings of who God is and our relationship with Him. This book covers the well known axial age where there was a watershed or flood of prophets and holy men who advanced understandings of both philosophy and theology and science in the hundreds of years before the coming of Jesus Christ. In a real sense they prepared the way for God’s son and His gospel. It is these men who changed the course of human understanding of God with new revolutionary ideas that advanced the self revelation of God to humankind. The last part of the book looks at religion today and how we got here and ends with God’s view of humanity as we constantly strive toward God on our individual spiritual journeys.

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