
Portada de success

Are you tired of getting nowhere fast? Do you wonder why other people are seeing great success while you&#39,re stuck in mediocrity?Whether you want to (1) learn how to be incredibly successful in life, (2) start doing things the right way, or (3) know the success strategies of some of the greatest people who have ever lived, then this is the book for you!Success is just around the corner.There&#39,s no reason to wallow in a dull, second-rate existence when the tools of success are within your grasp. Conquer your fears, and stride forward towards the success you most desire. Learn how to activate your inner leadership skills and do the things you know need to get done. Activate your inner creative genius so that you can mastermind the life that you truly want to live. Your success is a noble quest, and the pursuit of it can become a delightful adventure that you can enjoy along the way. To help you along the way, you will discover simple things that you can easily do to accomplish your goals the right way!Discover how to bring incredible success into your life.Living a life of success feels great, but it does not always come easily. Anybody can be successful in life, but you won&#39,t get there by just floating along. Discover the little things you can do to steer your life toward success and prosperity. Whether you need just a few minor tweaks to provide gentle course corrections, or your life needs a major turn-around, you will find easy-to-implement, down-to-earth opportunities to position yourself on the path to happiness and success.Easily create a success lifestyle.Master the core principles of success. Discover the benefits of some of the world class strategies you will find in this book. These principles

  • ISBN: 9781640483255
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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