secrets to losing weight & better health

Portada de secrets to losing weight & better health

When people really want&nbsp,to lose weight or&nbsp,gain better health they become&nbsp,enlightened. Feeding your body leads to weight gain, but nourishing your cells leads&nbsp,to losing weight and better health. Learn more about health at the cellular level.&nbsp,Learn why no weight loss program will work if it&nbsp,does not address the root cause of weight gain and other major illnesses.&nbsp,Over 34 percent of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese. It is well publicized that overweight puts you at risk for the top five leading&nbsp,causes of death in America, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. What is not discussed is that the other 66 percent of the&nbsp,population that is not overweight are also at risk of these same silent killers.The difference is that those who are overweight have a warning sign. The added weight signals&nbsp,that&nbsp,something in your&nbsp,diet&nbsp,is out of balance. When the foods you eat are not either processed and used by your body or eliminated from your body&nbsp,they&nbsp,remain floating in your bloodstream. This adds&nbsp,weight to your body.&nbsp,The extra weight in this case is actually a blessing because it warns you of the imbalance. In this book you learn about foods that your&nbsp,body cannot use as nutrients. You gain an understanding of what happens when food is so foreign to your body it cannot be used by your body or&nbsp,eliminated from your body. If what you&nbsp,eat is so foreign&nbsp,to the cells of&nbsp,your body that they&nbsp,refuse&nbsp,to process it or eliminate it, you really need to read this book. Learn the devastation that happens to your health.&nbsp,If you are gaining&nbsp,weight or if you are not gaining weight learn the enormous risk you face from the foods you eat that lead to major health threats. In Secrets to Losing Weight and Better&nbsp,Healtlh you gain a wealth of information to learn how to prevent weight gain&nbsp,an

  • ISBN: 9780970408105
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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