
Portada de salvation

Un estudiante descubre que un asteroide colisionará contra la Tierra en cuestión de meses y para salvar el mundo se alía con un millonario y una escritora de ciencia ficción. Pero, el gobierno de EE.UU. tiene su propio plan, diferente al de ellos.

God wants you to know the truth about your SALVATION.By going to the Word… the Scriptures… the Bible…You will be able to embrace and live out your salvation journey! Many Christian have claimed their SALVATION but they find it difficult to talk about their SALVATION. Then there are those who are wanting desperately to be saved… and to receive their SALVATION, but want to know more about what salvation really means before they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.SALVATION

  • ISBN: 9781498442688
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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