
Portada de parashakthi

Traducción del inglés

The awakening of the kundalini or the cosmic energy in a human body is a rare phenomenon which defies logic or any rational explanation that modern science can offer. In this book, the author has narrated in great detail his own experiences of this energy. The book offers a fascinating insight into what occurs when this cosmic energy gets activated within the human body. Hence, the literature presented in this book is rare to come across and truly overwhelming. This book also addresses some of the profound questions that mankind faces about its very existence. This book is meant for all human beings irrespective of their religious, philosophical, cultural, professional or educational backgrounds. The secrets revealed in this book can be of immense help to anyone in pursuit of lasting peace and happiness. This edition is the Tamil translation of the original, Parashakthi, written in English. The book is also available in Telugu._,

  • ISBN: 9789385523427
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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