communist rhetoric and feminist voices in cold war america

Portada de communist rhetoric and feminist voices in cold war america


This book tells the story of a group of women affiliated with the United States Communist Party CPUSA who used a variety of rhetorical resources to build credibility and transform the party into a vibrant dwelling place for feminist discourse and activism during a conservative period It evidences Communist women39s significant and creative resistance to Cold War society and its visions of appropriate normal womanhood alongside their pleas for class and race consciousness in a country that took for granted the white middleclass aspirations of citizens Drawing on Marxist theory transnational coalitions and Cold War culture Communist women39s rhetorical strategies were incredibly powerful and this book provides insight into how they catalyzed changes in a rigid political movement by establishing a platform for their radical ideals

  • ISBN: 9781498549813
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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