combating cult mind control

Portada de combating cult mind control

Steve Hassan ha descrito clara y convincentemente cómo se induce el control mental. Ha incluido sus experiencias personales en una secta y los conocimientos prácticos que ha adquirido a lo largo de …

If you re reading CCMC for the first time, please know that you ve found a safe, respectful, compassionate place. This book can help you protect-or regain-your sanity, freedom, and health. It can also help you protect others from the use of mind-control techniques. In this 25th anniversary volume you ll find

  • ISBN: 9780967068824
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

A former cult member, now a counselor helping those affected by destructive cults, Hassan exposes the troubling facts about cults’ recruitment, their use of psychological manipulation, and their often subtle influence on government, the legal system, and society as a whole.  This updated paperback edition includes a new preface by the author and an expanded bibliography and resource list. 

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