unfussy mom

Portada de unfussy mom

Have you ever totally lost your cool on your kids Ya me neither Totally kidding Are you a working mom tired of whining about your life and feeling constantly overwhelmed like youre going to break and everything will fall apart at any second Do you feel guilty for going to work Guilty when you call in sick Guilty when you get home from work and youre thinking about work Youre a mom with a career youre not just working because you have to but you work because there are parts of your job you really love It lights you up and makes you feelhuman You might not be in your dream job yet but there are parts of your work you enjoy You know deep in your heart that staying home doesnt feel like a good fit for you This is a book about what it takes to do the work you love without pissing off the people you love This is a book on how to get uberorganized as a working mom so your husband your kids and your boss love you This is a book that will end your guilt So you can get back to being amazing This is a book that will let you feel unapologetically happy to do the work you love This timetested advice is easy to read quick and works if youre craving more quality time less stress and more peace If youre a mom who works you need this book

  • ISBN: 9781366788276
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

You just totally lost your sh!t on your kids. You just got home after a crappy day at the office, the kids whined all the way home, and you’re probably having cereal for dinner (again). Oh, and what the heck leaked all over your bag today? Gross. You’re a working mom. You’re tired of whining about your life and feeling constantly overwhelmed. You might break. But you can’t. You have to keep it together. You feel guilty for going to work and leaving your kids with someone else. You even feel guilty when you call in sick. Maybe you also feel guilty when you get home and you’re supposed to be enjoying your family, but all you can think about is work. Your smartphone is always in your hand. You’re a mom with a career, and you’re not working because you have to, but you work because there are parts of your job you really love. It lights you up and makes you feel…human. You might not be in your dream job yet, but there are parts of your work you enjoy. You know deep in your heart, that staying home doesn’t work for you. I get it. I was that stressed out, frazzled, fussy mom. You know, the one screaming at her kids to hurry up and get out the door because I have a meeting to get to. Imagine you get to do the work you love, without pissing off the people you love. Imagine you’re a working mom who feels super organized and in control. Your kids, your husband, and even your boss–they love you. This is a book that will end your guilt. So you can get back to being amazing. This is a book that will let you feel unapologetically happy to do the work you love. This time-tested working-mom advice is easy to read. Get the quality time with your family, and yourself that you crave. Get the life with less stress, and more peaceful moments (hey, the bathroom totally counts). If you’re a mom who works and is trying to figure it all out (just like the rest of us) you need this book.

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