
Portada de turn

A career where we feel appreciated, useful and accomplished&nbsp,can bring out our best, and fulfill us in ways that &nbsp,nothing else can.&nbsp,Whether you&rsquo,ve been laid off or quit, want to improve a current position,&nbsp,or are ready to embark on a new career path, one of the biggest&nbsp,obstacles to a successful career change is going for what is&nbsp,familiar and safe, rather than bravely going for your true dream&nbsp,or vision&mdash,or keeping going when it doesn&rsquo,t arrive right away! This book provides you with a roadmap to clarify what you want,&nbsp,courage to keep taking steps even after rejection, confidence to present&nbsp,yourself in the best possible light, and energy to keep going until&nbsp,you get where you want to go. No amount of information about&nbsp,how to write a resume or cover letter, dress for an interview, negotiate&nbsp,a salary raise, or have a di cult conversation with a co-worker&mdash,beats the effectiveness of believing in what you have to offer and&nbsp,not settling for less. There&rsquo,s nothing more e ective or magnetic&nbsp,than a woman or man who&rsquo,s clear about their own worth and value. TURN will empower you to take your career into your own hands, and,&nbsp,trust me, it should never be anywhere else. You have more choices,&nbsp,opportunities and power than you know. Let&rsquo,s access them!_,

  • ISBN: 9780997596106
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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