the kabul beauty school

Portada de the kabul beauty school

Escuela de Belleza de Kabul es un admirable relato sobre una extraordinaria comunidad de mujeres que se unieron para aprender el arte de las permanentes, de la amistad y de la supervivencia. …

Deborah Rodriguez arrived in Afghanistan in 2002 with nothing but a desire to help and a beauty degree. In her first few weeks she learned that the once-proud tradition of Afghan beauty salons had been all but destroyed by the Taliban.
With her knowledge of both beauty and enterprise, Rodriguez opened the first salon in Kabul that actually trained local women to become beauticians – one of the few ways in which a woman could support herself and her family, and gain some autonomy in a strictly patriarchal society.
Many of the students had alarming stories to tell, and within the sisterhood of the Kabul Beauty School, together with Rodriguez herself, they learn the art of perms, friendship, and freedom.

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 01/06/2007
  • Plaza de edición: LONDON
  • Año de edición: 2007
  • ISBN: 9780340935248
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: INGLÉS
  • Editorial: HODDER & STOUGHTON
  • Nº de páginas: 288

Este libro ha sido escrito y pretenece a Deborah Rodriguez

The Kabul Beauty School is a remarkable tale of an extraordinary community of women, all of whom have stories to tell, who come together and learn the arts of perms, friendship, and freedom. Arriving in Afghanistan in 2002 with nothing more than a beauty degree and a desire to help, Deborah Rodriguez set out on a course of action that would change her life and those of many Afghan women. The once proud tradition of beauty schools had been all but destroyed and with it Afghani womens ability to support themselves. As one of the founders of the Kabul Beauty School she set about training women and helping them rebuild their lives.

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