the great mother bible

Portada de the great mother bible

Referred to as &quot,The Voice of Earth Mother&quot, by a gifted Shoshone elder, Mare Cromwell was awakened at 5 AM in November of 2013, and given specific instructions from the Great Mother to set aside that winter to listen and write &quot,The Great Mother Bible&quot,. Out of that spiritual call has come this revolutionary and humorous book of spiritual wisdom that speaks to the wondrous sacred realms in which we live. With teachings ranging from the role of aliens on Earth, the Christ Consciousness, and the need for balance between the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine, the Great Mother offers essential guidance to help bring our beleaguered world back into divine harmony.Several gifted medicine people have confirmed that Mare is indeed communicating with Gaia/Earth Mother. She has spiritually surrendered to her. What astonished Mare in the process of downloading the information from Mother was that the Great Divine Mother came in initially to speak with her. Then the Divine Mother passed it over to Earth Mother to communicate.Gaia/Earth Mother is our planetary caretaker who was assigned to Earth when the planet first formed. She has worked co-creatively with Creation to birth all life on the planet, all sourcing from a tremendous Quantum Divine Love energy.Mare&#39,s last two books, &quot,The Great Mother Bible&quot, and &quot,Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother&quot,, were Earth Mother&#39,s idea not Mare&#39,s.Mother guides Mare as to what to write and most times speaks through her. Imagine interviewing our planet on her perspective on the last few thousand years and how human culture has gotten so disconnected from her wisdom. These books contain spiritual truths from her perspective. Topics include

  • ISBN: 9780971703261
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

Mare Cromwell was awakened at 5 AM in November of 2013, and given specific instructions from the Great Mother to set aside that winter to listen and write The Great Mother Bible. Out of that spiritual call has come this revolutionary and humorous book of spiritual wisdom that speaks to the wondrous sacred realms in which we live. With teachings ranging from the role of aliens on Earth, the Christ Consciousness, and the need for balance between the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine, the Great Mother offers essential guidance to help bring our beleaguered world back into divine harmony.

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