Etiquetado: Narrativa de humor


el libro de oro de los chistes

En este nuevo libro, Samuel Red nos hace comprobar que, pese a los malos tragos de la vida y a los «delicados» tiempos que vivimos, cada vez somos más conscientes de lo necesaria y...


crimes of cunning

Fast-paced, funny, and smart. This novel puts you into the world of a young MBA striving to succeed at a famous high-tech company. Brash and confident yet comically inept, Tony clashes with colleagues, clients,...


scottish buddhist cookbook

The Scottish Buddhist Cookbook is&nbsp,an excercise in manic depression, crock pot recipes, divorce, a stuffed Jesus doll, over-drinking, Scottish Buddhist propaganda, and instruction on how to make a fully functional Great Highland bagpipe out...


stop boring me!

Coming up constantly with a steady stream of marketing content, stories, and&nbsp,ideas that inspire excitement, interest and banish boring can be challenging.&nbsp,Your content-weary audience is saying &ldquo,Stop Boring Me!&rdquo, You cannot connect&nbsp,meaningfully with your...


bare-faced messiah

Traducción del inglés– Bare-Faced Messiah tells the extraordinary story of L. Ron Hubbard, a penniless science-fi ction writer who founded the Church of Scientology, became a millionaire prophet and convinced his adoring followers that...


sassy cat

ISBN: 9781982211080 Encuadernación: Sin formato definido


pauley mac

ISBN: 9781546262961 Encuadernación: Sin formato definido