Etiquetado: Narrativa de humor


las abejas de manhattan

Las abejas de Manhattan es una novela de humor. Un vodevil literario en el que se homenajea a las tertulias literarias a través de un delirante grupo de letraheridos que se reúnen en un...


de categoria

¿Cómo somos los valencianos? ¡Somos de Categoría internacional! Eso es lo que demuestra este libro. Mucho más allá de los tópicos, Vicent Marco construye un discurso en tono distendido con el que conoceremos mejor...


¡a la orden, mi sargento!

Un compendio de cortas narraciones con las innumerables, curiosas y delirantes situaciones que ocurren a diario a lo largo y ancho del territorio español con agentes del Cuerpo y población civil como improvisados actores....


better every day

This collection of newspaper columns offers a humorous look at what happens to us as we grow older and gradually realize that no single part of our body ends where it used to end...


myths & monsters of reston, virginia

Every town has myths, but not every town has monsters. Reston, Virginia could be the most monstered town in all the world! At least according to the recently unearthed journal of the scholarly yet...


artoons volume 3

Drawn in the style of cartoons in The New Yorker Pablo Helgueras Artoons exist in a category of their own which has earned him the title of the art worlds anthropologist While providing an...



Dallas Ford has problems Her cookbookdevotional A Year of Canned Biscuits is seriously behind schedule and her childhood bully Bella Stasio is set to release a similar book making Dallas look like a copycat...


growing younger

Follow the journey of Rosa an octogenarian as she faces her fears camping among wolves in the Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota Then inspired by people who survived and thrived with humor she discovers...


laser pointers hairballs and other cat stuff

Need a new book for your cat to sit on This is it This fullcolor book features cat illustrations and over 70 cat cartoons by syndicated cartoonist Nate Fakes Purrfect for any cat lover...