
Portada de stuporheroes

Un superhéroe es un personaje de ficción cuyas características superan las del héroe clásico, generalmente con poderes sobrehumanos aunque no necesariamente, y entroncado con la ciencia ficción.

to shoot heat out of his hands. Finally he was a power, now he could be a superhero and protect people! But none of the other powers seem interested in serving the people. In fact, all they want is to be famous and rich. At last Hands meets Gravitas, a power entrenched in a lawsuit with Gravity Man, no doubt a fame whore with no superpowers. Hands and Gravitas agree something has to be done to cleanse the world of the superhero scum. They must become supervillains and destroy the Hollywood-superhero-industrial complex!

  • ISBN: 9780999843253
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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