stories from grandpa

Portada de stories from grandpa

This book is a charming and simple way for Grandpa to share his family stories life experiences and advice with the family Presented in a large font that is easy to read with plenty of space for writing these fun and easy prompts will inspire lots of warm and lighthearted conversations between grandparents children and grandchildren Most importantly everyone will be smiling Perfect for modern families including single or divorced grandparents the prompts do not put any emphasis on Grandma or assume traditional family roles All prompts are simple and interesting without any awkwardness Prompts include Describe the first home you remember living in What did you want to be when you grew up What kind of student were you in school What do you wish you had known when you were 21 What personality traits did you inherit from your mom and dad Who were your best friends or playmates growing up

  • ISBN: 9781366933133
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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