pathways to spirituality and healing

Portada de pathways to spirituality and healing

A mindbodyspirit guide to coping with serious illnesswritten for patients and those who love them

  • ISBN: 9781577491101
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

The book exceeded my expectations in that it did tell Alexa and Mark’s story of how they approached and dealt with her breast cancer in a beautifully done blend of disclosure and protection of the privacy as individuals and as a couple. Then they moved beyond their story to part of their learning that could enrich the lives of their readers, both those facing serious illness themselves, and those wishing to live a healthier life with especial attention to spiritual practices that might contribute to that lifestyle.While Alexa described complementary health therapies and practices she used, she also defined and delineated similar and related practices so the reader might widen her knowledge about them and feel a sense of choice about which of these she might want to try. I liked her glossary: «Terms You May Encounter on Your Healing Journey.» These two aspects of the book alone make it useful for people learning about energy medicine and alternative types of healing.The third chapter illustrated the commonalities of seven of the major religious traditions, and representative quotes are provided for meditation or reflection, making the book one which invites repeated use.I found the Umbreit’s book both personal and universal.

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