on the wall protocol

Portada de on the wall protocol

My previous book Women On The Wall provided the who, what, how and why behind becoming a women on the wall. This 50 day devotional will prepare and equip you for your time there. The wall of the kingdom of God is the protection and fortitude of the inhabitants. We are all required to do our share to guard the kingdom. This 50 day devotional will help you understand you are a new creation in Christ Jesus.   Once we discover our new selves its time to prepare for the battle.  We must always remember we have an adversary who comes to kill, still and destroy! The kingdom has enemies and suffers violence, but the violence must be taken by force. Thats why we must be equipped for spiritual warfare when we take our place on the wall. This devotional will get you armored up and ready to tear down the enemies camp. After these 50 days, you will be ready to bind and rebuke any devil that will try to infiltrate the kingdom. Its time for you to take your place of authority and follow the protocol of a watch guard on the wall. This devotional will shine a light on how important it is for Gods soldiers to work together to form a victorious army!_,

  • ISBN: 9781545612811
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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