love notes

Portada de love notes

&quot,Love Notes&quot, was developed by Dr. Sonia Martin, out of a need to create an awareness within the education community about the importance of fostering students&#39, interests to guide them on a path towards finding their purpose. It is a delightful manuscript that leads readers on a spiritual journey designed to evoke thoughtful reflections about what it means to develop compassion and teach with purpose. Dr. Martin&#39,s message empowers, uplifts, and motivates readers to seek the highest versions of themselves. Educators will gain valuable insight to help them lead a purposeful and meaningful life. Each chapter is prefaced with a prayer to build strength and endurance for the journey. Reflective thinking activities are sprinkled throughout each to provide focus and clarity on personal and professional goals. &ldquo,Love Notes&rdquo, is aligned to a distinct set of principles and beliefs that are sure to create a shift in how educators approach teaching and learning. Hearts and minds will be ignited to live with an authentic purpose that offers hope to future generations.&nbsp,_,

  • ISBN: 9780998521046
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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