life, love and gods grace

Portada de life, love and gods grace

My name is Sandra Douglas. I am forty four years old. I have been married twenty years to Jimmy Douglas. We live about forty five minutes south of Nashville, Tennessee. God has blessed us with two sons, Josh who is nineteen, and Matt who is eleven. I have been a stay at home mom since having children, and the past five years I have homeschooled. I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt and friend who deals daily with lifes struggles and blessings, just like you. I am very passionate about my faith, family, friends and life in general. Through the years, I have journaled. It has been my outlet, if you will. I love poetry, I have since I can remember poetry to me is a soul searching experience to identify or somehow try to put to words life experiences and situations to touch the souls of others in an understanding way in order to make a difference. And if Ive done that I feel like thats just a small part of the blessings Ive been given. God Bless!_,

  • ISBN: 9781615797028
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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