life-changing spiritual practices, volume 1

Portada de life-changing spiritual practices, volume 1

Do you think your life is too busy to build in a spiritual practice? This book is packed with a variety of spiritual practices that fit right into your lifestyle, no matter what your background, time schedule, or interests. This is a practical approach to creating a life of inner peace and connection with your Divine Nature — not as another thing to ram into your day, but as a way to make your life a spiritual practice!_,

  • ISBN: 9781893095908
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

Do you think your life is too busy to build in a spiritual practice? This book is packed with a variety of spiritual practices that fit right into your lifestyle, no matter what your background, time schedule, or interests. This is a practical approach to creating a life of inner peace and connection with your Divine Nature — not as another thing to ram into your day, but as a way to make your life a spiritual practice!

Do you think your life is too busy to build in a spiritual practice? This book is packed with a variety of spiritual practices that fit right into your lifestyle, no matter what your background, time schedule, or interests. This is a practical approach to creating a life of inner peace and connection with your Divine Nature — not as another thing to ram into your day, but as a way to make your life a spiritual practice!

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