ill live on

Portada de ill live on

AS I KNEW HIM, pioneer, trailblazer, inventor, printer, missionary, poet, writer, engineer, architect-all these things and much more was the Rev. Arthur Erickson-but the consuming, burning, driving force that impelled him through the years was Gods call for him to be a missionary to Peru. That all-consuming call drove him to the cities, the villages, the mountains, the jungles, to fulfill that insatiable desire to bring one more soul-some way, somehow, to know Jesus Christ. When his days of retirement came, he could not rest, and that desire drove him back again to his beloved Peru-back into the jungles-his dream not quite fulfilled. It never could be-he must win one more soul, and so, on June 16th, 1972, at the age of 73, still in Peru, he laid his earthly tent away to be with his Lord. Ill Live On, this booklet, put into print by his son, Curtis, is in memory of his beloved father, who truly Lives On with his Lord. Arthurs message was a message of hope, He preached it to the lost, he preached the message of hope, for he believed in a life that has no end. Rev. Robert Carrington, pastor for many years, Bethel Temple, Assembly of God, Turlock, California._,

  • ISBN: 9780595380848
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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