fed and focused

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Tired of living your life in response to what&#39,s happening around you? Stop letting people, pain, or the past dictate your actions and moods. Using biblical context and practical examples, Life Coach Kamryn Adams shows you how to live on purpose through prayer, Bible study and building a Life Purpose Plan. &nbsp,Find your purpose and live it with this empowering guide to life the way you were created to live.Fed Focused is a guided study of the biblical principle of &quot,purpose&quot,. &nbsp,From creation in the Book of Genesis, God had a purpose for creating life. In the New Testament, we see the disciples living out this purpose. We all have a specific purpose for being here. &nbsp,Our talent, personality and passion help guide us to our assignment from God. &nbsp,In Exodus 31, Moses was given the assignment to build the Ark of the Covenant and it took a team of people to help him.Learn how to work together with others while using your own talents and skills.&nbsp,Better understand why you were created and get your personal assignment from God.Study and learn what the Bible has to say about purposeful living.&nbsp,Pray and reflect on how to complete your assignment.Build a life purpose statement and commit to purposeful living.&nbsp,Develop a life purpose plan to ensure your success.&nbsp,Get Fed and Focused!&nbsp,_,

  • ISBN: 9780990871392
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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