eyes of sophia

Portada de eyes of sophia

An adventure of heart and spirit, Eyes of Sophia entertains and inspires, offering a real-life demonstration of the magic of following the heart._,

  • ISBN: 9781552123492
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

Eyes of Sophia is a true love story which confirms the multi-dimensional nature of our existence. This story shows us that we really do co-create our lives in concert with a loving and organizing Divine Presence, Sophia, which speaks to us through our hearts. Too often we are easily intimidated by the authority and advice of the outer world and cease to trust these tender feelings which offer us continual and perfect guidance. The magical tapestry of events we experience when reading Eyes of Sophia is given credence by a series of extraordinary photographs and we are blessed with the revelation that, indeed, we can attain our hearts’ desires. «This book is an extraordinary account by two extraordinary people. Given the premise that Sophia’s world lies hidden and invisible within this one the continual synchronicities abounding in this true story make sense, if not serving as proof of its existence. Though the account is extremely personal it touches the universal and thus becomes meaningful to anyone reading it. It’s Donna’s loving and enthusiastic eye that reveals it and Alan’s charming and rational acceptance that gives it form. I marvel that I had the privilege of playing a small part in this unusual drama!» -Alice O. Howell Author of The Web in the Sea and The Dove in the Stone «You and Donna have experienced, certainly at a feeling state, at least one other cognitive band of this total reality and you appear to have some space-time cognitive data in the form of your pictures to confirm that something extra-ordinary was happening.» -William A. Tiller, PhD Author of Science and Human Transformation (written after viewing the photographs, September,1995) «This is a truly spiritual book, in which the presence of divine love allows the experience of human love to flourish. It can be read as a romantic story like Bridges of Madison County, but here the romance is allowed to flourish and lead to a sustained relationship, and there is an experience of divine grace as well as human passion.» -Harvey Honig Jungian Analyst

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