can our god beat up their god?

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This is not a Hallelujah. Praise the Lord book, neither is it a dismal rejection of religiosity and tradition. Rather, it is a reasoned presentation from the Deist viewpoint of basic philosophical topics of interest to people in all walks of life. Professor Wiley asks the reader to agree or disagree with his postulates with reasoned objectivity, not with That is not what I have always believed. He writes with an easy-reading style that is not word-loaded, and gets directly to the point with no distractions from pomposity or circumlocution. In this book he examines tradition and introduces New Age concepts in areas we have always found troublesome and controversial. He gently but forcefully analyzes them, and suggests some avenues for acceptance or change. You are entertained while challenged to search for meaning and truth in religion, geopolitics, communication, perception, and the quality and purpose of life. As one reader of the preliminary typed edition wrote

  • ISBN: 9780595381852
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

«This is not a «»Hallelujah, praise the Lord»» book. It is a sometimes reverent, sometimes irreverent, reasoned examination of tradition from a Deistic point of view. Professor Wiley asks the reader to agree or disagree with his postulates with reasoned objectivity, not with «»That is not what I have always believed.»» He writes with an easy-reading style that is not «»word-loaded»», and gets directly to the point with no distractions from pomposity or circumlocution.In this book he examines tradition and introduces his personal concept of Deism as it applies to issues that are often troublesome and controversial. He gently but forcefully analyzes them, and suggests some avenues for acceptance or change. The reader is entertained while challenged to search for meaning and truth in religion, geopolitics, communication, perception, and the quality and purpose of life. As one reader wrote: «»Thank you for clarifying my thoughts in so many areas.»»»

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