bare-faced messiah

Portada de bare-faced messiah

Traducción del inglés

Bare-Faced Messiah tells the extraordinary story of L. Ron Hubbard, a penniless science-fi ction writer who founded the Church of Scientology, became a millionaire prophet and convinced his adoring followers that he alone could save the world. According to his &lsquo,official&rsquo, biography, Hubbard was an explorer, engineer, scientist, war hero and philosopher. But in the words of a Californian judge, he was schizophrenic, paranoid and a pathological liar. What is not in dispute is that Hubbard was one of the most bizarre characters of the twentieth century. Bare-Faced Messiah exposes the myths surrounding the fascinating and mysterious founder of the Church of Scientology &ndash, a man of hypnotic charm and limitless imagination &ndash, and provides the defi nitive account of how the notorious organisation was created._,

  • ISBN: 9781909269361
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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