a royal love revealed

Portada de a royal love revealed

In 2011, God sent Corrine Sharpe a simple, loving message

  • ISBN: 9780692786727
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

In 2011, God sent Corrine Sharpe a simple, loving message: Look for the hearts. She had lost her mother to cancer. Her family struggled in the depths of grief. This divine revelation from God healed their hearts. A Royal Love Revealed is Sharpe’s memoir of loss, belief, and love. Are we loved? Are we valuable? Our material world has its opinions as to the nature of love. It wants to determine who or what is valuable. Inspirational author Corrine Sharpe believes that true value comes from within. It is inherent. We are made in the image of Love. Through the author’s personal moments and powerful imagery, the reader discovers that God’s revelations are not coincidental. It is the unexplainable at work. God desires to walk with us in a relationship and show us his unwavering, relentless love. Sharpe desires readers to know that we can love because we know Christ’s pure love. God is with us and for us. His love is for all of humanity and for every part of our fractured hearts. As the reader sees God’s love move through this story, it is her prayer that you spend time with this relational God and receive his unmerited loving kindness every moment of every day. His love is unshakable, wild, and all consuming. There is no greater love than the love of the Father.

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