deep creek jamin java devotions

Portada de deep creek jamin java devotions

Dr. Lahay is a Maryland native, born at Mt. Sinai Hospital and grew up in Catonsville-Woodlawn area of Baltimore County. He joined the Marine Corps and spent the next 10 years in peacetime and war defending a grateful Nation. While home on leave in August of 1987, Dr. Lahay who grew up attending private school, accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as His personal Savior and was baptized into Believers baptism at Brantley Baptist Church at the age of 21. He went back to his duty station and met his wife of 22 years, Silvia while stationed in San Diego, California. Together with the Lords strength and grace they are raising two godly children. After leaving the Marines, Dr. Lahay went to work for Lockheed Martin, while there earned his undergraduate degree. Still searching for satisfaction, he answered the Lords call to full-time ministry in February of 1998. He enrolled in Seminary as a full-time student while serving a church in Rochester New York. Dr. Lahay has pastored churches in New York, Montana and currently in Deep Creek Maryland. Doctor Lahay is a board certified Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor. He became the shepherd of Deep Creek Baptist church in 2007 and enjoys the grace of every day. If you are in the area, feel free to stop in and share a cup of coffee. No matter what your day may bring, be sure to keep the Son in your eyes, as you let go and Let God!_,

  • ISBN: 9781609575625
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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