chasing god

Portada de chasing god

The encounter with God is a shocking and surprising event for most of us. We just werent expecting to sense the presence of God. But there it was, unnerving and unexpected, leaving us a bit bewildered as to what comes next. Some, perhaps the many, will simply shake it off and return to everyday life. But the few, realizing this was the real deal, sense the need to look deeper, to chase after God as He moves on down the trail. This book provides the insights and wisdom of the many who have chased after God before you. They have left you clues along the way, if you know where and how to look. The trail is easy to spot, but sometimes difficult to trek. Nonetheless, for the brave hearts the reward makes every step worth the effort. Time to get going. God is already on the move…_,

  • ISBN: 9781545613450
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

Maybe you’ve never asked the question out loud, but you’ve wondered. You do the things that look good on paper: read your Bible, pray, attend study groups and go to church on Sundays.But you aren’t convinced you really know Him.Angie Smith understands, because she had run circles around the same paths searching for Him, frustrated at her lack of progress. And she probably would have continued to do so had it not been for one realization that changed everything.She wasn’t following God; she was trying to catch up with Him. And without realizing it, you may be as well.It’s a distinction that affects every aspect of our lives with Christ, and it begins with learning where we’ve relied more on man’s explanation of God than God Himself.So many requirements, so many rules, and so much guilt where there is supposed to be freedom. It’s the reason you wonder if you’ve measured up, and the nagging voice that tells you you’re a failure as a Christian.Three simple words changed everything for Angie, and she believes they can do the same for you.

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