people medicine

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People Medicine is a unique view into the life and training of a Doctor. With humor, warmth and honesty, Dr. Robert McNary narrates his voyage thru the hallowed halls of the business and practice of Medicine. Medical myths are&nbsp,dispelled. Anecdotes of kindness and compassion are administered. Common sense is encouraged. People Medicine poses an alternative to the Doctor Medicine we have gotten used to. Fifteen minutes of a doctor&#39,s time, followed by a large bill to the patient, address very few ailments. Nor does trying one pill then another. Patients&nbsp,return again and again looking for help, relief and comfort. Who is there to give it to them? As Dr. McNary relates the experiences that transformed his practice and thinking, he shows how to conserve resources, ask the right questions, gain perspective, learn about health and disease, and better understand the system in&nbsp,which you place your body and your hopes.&nbsp, PEOPLE MEDICINE describes how to recognize the caring, conscious people you need when you are ill or injured. &quot,It is much more important to know what sort of patient has a disease that what sort of disease a patient has.&quot,- Sir William Osler &quot,The progressive thinking of one era is the common sense of the next.&rdquo, – Matthew Arnold &nbsp, About The Author Robert McNary is an erstwhile physician who learned more about health and healing after he left medicine than during his twenty years in training and working in the field. Healing is as big as life itself. Medicine is a small but vital part&nbsp,of the larger world of healing. However, most healing, like life, occurs away from the hospital and doctors&#39, offices. We ALL need to become more conscious and active in the work of healing. Dr. Bob has not practiced medicine for decades but considers himself m

  • ISBN: 9780967349930
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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