love beyond reason

Portada de love beyond reason

¿CÓMO EXPLICAR UN AMOR QUE NO TIENE EXPLICACIÓN?¿Qué sucederá si dejas que este amor conmueva tu corazón?Descubra al Dios que siempre ha deseado encontrar: un Padre que le ama y que está comprometido con su mayor felicidad.En su mundo que llora por ser amado, ¿ha sido impactado por el amor de Dios? …

It all started with a spell. Arran Conall lives with the consequences of his foolishness daily, his mistakes guiding him into darkness. He had no way to know that his beloved would fall prey to the ancient magic that awaited Blaire on the day he&#39,d sent her away to marry his brother. Now, the only woman to ever give pause to his philandering ways lives centuries ahead of him, out of reach while still holding on to his heart. Now, he must try to live a life without her and marries another to save the lass from a greedy suitor who only wants to lay title to her father&#39,s territory. His love for Blaire haunts him. With every breath, he prays only one thing&mdash,that she will be able to feel his love for her across the chasms of time… Born in the seventeenth century, Blaire MacChristy lives each day trying to adjust to the challenges of modern-day life. Magic brought her here, but heartbreak keeps her from using the magic to travel back to her home. When visitors from her past arrive asking her to return to the life she&#39,d known before, Blaire takes a chance on love. Once home, she is shocked to learn that the man she loves has married another. Will fate find a way to mend their broken hearts by bringing them together once again? Even if it does, will they be able to stop the darkness that is coming for them both? Read all the books in Morna&#39,s Legacy Series

  • ISBN: 9780989950220
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

How Do You Explain a Love That Has No Explanation? What will happen if you let it touch your heart? God loves you not because you are flawless, not because you are a perfect person, but just because you are. In Love Beyond Reason, John Ortberg reveals the God you've longed to encounter: a Father head-over-heels in love with you, his child, and intensely committed to your highest joy. Ortberg takes you to the very core of God's being to discover a burning, passionate love that gives, and gives, and gives. He explores the life-changing ways this love has expressed itself through Jesus. And he shows how you, like Jesus, can love your mate, your family, your friends, and the world around you with the same practical, transforming love. Dispelling your fears and misconceptions of God, Love Beyond Reason brings you face-to-face with the Love that frees and empowers you to love.

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