why study the media?

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Televisión, vida cotidiana, política, sociedad, sujetos. En este libro, Silverstone, uno de los más importantes representantes de los estudios culturales anglosajones, analiza crítica, teórica y empíricamente las formas en que la sociedad y la cultura negocian y se interrelacionan con la televisión. …

  • ISBN: 9780761964537
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

`It's easy to be snobbish about media culture; the great merit of Roger Silverstone's book is to make the reader understand just how important that culture is' – Richard Sennett, New York University `A remarkable book which argues for a new paradigm for the study of the media' – Daniel Dayan, Centre National de la Recherche `A persuasive and sophisticated discussion of the role of the media in modern life at the threshold of the twenty-first century' – Ellen Seiter, University of California `A very important book, one that moves media theory and argument on at long last. This is an attempt to get people to think differently about the media – not ju

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