unmasking your soul

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In 2003 Eileen An&uuml,mani Santos had a powerful and mystical dream in which God told her &quot,I have a mission for you. One that you won&#39,t understand right now, but be patient, for in time all will be revealed to you.&quot, Now she in turn is revealing to you her process for embracing your divine purpose. Through poetry, art, divine teachings, guided meditations, journaling, and rituals, with An&uuml,mani&#39,s guidance your soul will speak to you on this transformational journey of truth, light, healing, and spirituality. Each of twelve chapters highlights a different chamber of your soul to be unmasked. Each truth you unmask allows you to reconnect with the real you, and align with your soul&#39,s purpose, and find true healing and fulfillment through a soul-driven life. The author backs up her experience of divine expression with stories from her family, career, and personal life. An&uuml,mani is an interfaith minister, artist, singer, healer, and spiritual guide. Though this book is based in the spiritual, An&uuml,mani says she does not want to convince you of anything, but is your guide to connect with the vastness of consciousness beyond the human mind, your natural gifts, and your deepest passions._,

  • ISBN: 9781945252204
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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