the silver sword
The Silver Sword es una novela de Ian Serraillier, un clásico infantil publicado por primera vez en el Reino Unido en 1956 por Jonathan Cape. También se publicó en los Estados Unidos bajo el título Escape From Warsaw.
THE SILVER SWORD by Ian Serraillier is an unforgettable World War II survival story. Although the silver sword was only a paper knife, it became the symbol of hope and courage which kept the Balicki children and their orphan friend Jan alive through the four years of occupation when they had to fend for themselves. And afterwards it inspired them to keep going on the exhausting and dangerous journey from war-torn Poland to Switzerland, where they hoped to find their parents.
Based on true accounts, this is a moving story of life during and after the Second World War.
- Fecha de lanzamiento: 25/11/2021
- Año de edición: 2021
- ISBN: 9780141362649
- Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
- Idioma: INGLÉS
- Editorial: PENGUIN
Este libro ha sido escrito y pretenece a Ian Serraillier