the secret door to success
El éxito verdadero se encuentra en ti mismo. La personas más exitosas de todos los tiempos los supieron y confiaron en sí mismos para conseguir sus metas. …
This book has been recommended among friends for many decades and is a classic in the field of self-help. People often read it multiple times, whenever they need to. It can bring both financial and spiritual wealth into the lives of readers who take its message to heart and follow the advice put forth. It uses metaphysical and spiritual laws often found in Biblical teachings, and then shows you how to apply them. These teachings are universal, and can be used by anyone. The author provides examples of the success experienced by those who have followed her teachings. Manifesting your dreams does not happen with other people only, it can happen to you. It guides you into a spiritual place and shows you how to tap into its power. It is recommended to those people who know exactly what they want, but are not quite sure how to get it._,
- ISBN: 9781585093380
- Encuadernación: Sin formato definido
"People all want to know how to open the secret door of success. For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall. In the Bible reading, we have heard the wonderful story of the falling of the walls of Jericho. Of course all biblical stories have a metaphysical interpretation. We will talk now about your wall of Jericho: the wall separating you from success." FSS