the mind

Portada de the mind

This volume is all about brain structure, about how the mind creates transient thoughts and how it actually controls and repairs your body. This, the first in the trilogy, contains six chapters, all featuring keys themes regarding your health. They have been broken down into easy to read subheadings, and you can use the comprehensive contents to locate specific topics &ndash, just run your finger down the contents page and select a subject that calls to you. As you read, keep a notepad near so you can do your homework &ndash, only then will you get the most out of this book. Do not rush to distil what has been a quarter of a century of experiences, instead meditate on any meanings that come to you. I have written this in a multi-dimensional way, so that it can be read at different depths of perception, depending on where you are in life. This is my story. It only represents a tiny fragment of human consciousness You are the author of your life, you are constantly walking through your life, and while there will only ever be your footprints behind you, you can carry everyone else&rsquo,s footprints in your heart. What do I mean by this? Well, as you walk through life and beyond, you can choose to take others&rsquo, words and meaningful stories and pass them on &ndash, whether by word of mouth like in the olden days, or through paperbacks and ebooks like today Whilst writing this, I have studied many, many papers, books, videos and the highlights of both scientific and spiritual conferences to include the most up to date research for you. The Human Garage &ndash, volumes 1 to 3 &ndash, is a written account of the methods I&rsquo,ve used over the last 25 to 30 years in my relentless endeavour to &lsquo,mend&rsquo, my patients. The analogy of the Human Garage is an interesting one. It came to me time and again, after thousands of weary souls hobbled into my office, slamming their car keys on my desk and using expressions like

  • ISBN: 9780993167812
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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