the empowered empath

Portada de the empowered empath

If you re among the 1 in 20 people born as an empath, life s about to get a whole lot better… * Does being with certain people leave you physically drained? * Do you seem to soak up other people s emotions like a sponge? * Do you feel overshadowed by others, not sure who you really are? * Have you tried other advice for empaths to no avail? * Do you secretly worry there s something wrong with you? Life as an empath (someone who can experience another person s reality) can be wonderful. And confusing. While it can give you an edge in every arena of your life, for unskilled empaths, it can mean a bewildering tidal wave of unwanted, unwelcome and usually unconscious empath merges with other people s energy. And that s no fun. But… What if you could learn how to turn that connection off whenever you wanted? That s the promise of The Empowered Empath. While both substantive and fun to read, don t let the lighthearted tone fool you

  • ISBN: 9781935214328
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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