the creative process in the individual

Portada de the creative process in the individual

El presente volumen presenta al lector la secuencia de acción creativa, la cual comienza con la formación de lo global y culmina en una vista de las infinitas posibilidades alcanzables por todo aquel que siga la línea correcta para su despliegue. Aquí el lector aprenderá el arte de la manifestación.

What is creativity? Without creative powers mankind would still be living in caves, without any new ideas or advancement, so it is important to understand and harness this power. There is no better person to teach us how than Thomas Troward. He was a major pioneer in the New Thought movement, which bridges the gap between the inner world of thoughts and the physical universe. With command of your creative powers you can manifest your potential and offer unique things to the world that are waiting inside of you, trying to get out. It&#39,s just a matter of tapping into your own power. Chapters include The Starting-Point, The Self-Contemplation of Spirit, The Divine Ideal, The Manifestation of the Life Principle, The Denouement of the Creative Process, The Divine Offering, and more._,

  • ISBN: 9781585092895
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

From one of the fathers of new thought’ is this timeless classic on how to take charge of your life and create a successful, happy existence. Focusing on how anybody can begin to understand and harness their own internal genius to lead on to greater prosperity and joy. This is a very logical and straightforward insight into how the mind works and how you can enhance your creative power to develop a larger life. This book was just one of the classic masterpieces used to inspire and develop the global phenomenon of 2006, The Secret’. It contains a clear philosophy that the reader will be able to apply immediately to improve their lives and begin achieving greater things.

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