the complete prophecies of nostradamus

Portada de the complete prophecies of nostradamus

Las Prophéties es una colección de profecías del médico francés Nostradamus, cuya primera edición apareció en el año 1555 por la editorial Macé Bonhomme. Su obra más famosa es una recopilación de poemas, quatrains, unidos en diez conjuntos de versos de 100 cuartetos cada uno.​​

Here are the complete prophecies of Nostradamus Nostradamus is the best known and most accurate mystic and seer of all times There are those who say that he predicted Napoleon and even the attack on the World Trade Center Read the prophecies and judge for yourself Since governments sects and countries will undergo such sweeping changes diametrically opposed to what now obtains that were I to relate events to come those in power now monarchs leaders of sects and religions would find these so different from their own imaginings that they would be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and understand Nostradamus

  • ISBN: 9781604590623
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

The key to dating Nostradamus’ always intriguing and popular predications has now been discovered! Award-winning author Mario Reading finally found the long-searched-for key, and with it, has uncovered the secret connection that links the seer’s various quatrains. With this new knowledge, he can interpret these astonishing predictions in formerly unimagined ways…and give us a glimpse of what the future holds. Among the amazing finds: Nostradamus foresaw the Twin Towers disaster, the Iraq War, the devastating tsunamis, and the flooding of New Orleans. But even more, Reading’s groundbreaking translations and sharp commentary states precisely what is still to come. His sometimes extraordinary and shocking forecasts include the demise of the British Monarchy, the breakup of the European Union, and Global War.

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