the bible explained spiritual journal

Portada de the bible explained spiritual journal

RECORD IT! Want to chart your Christian growth? Record It! You have spiritually matured? Record It! Found a revelation of Divine inspiration? Record It! Allow yourself to be overwhelmed by daily trails? God provides blessings every day, but we forget them. What is there to do? RECORD IT! This SPIRITUAL JOURNAL will give an orderly recorded compilation of how the Lord is caring for you and granting favor. It is designed to help you Record it! Daily, the SPIRITUAL JOURNAL helps document the special thoughts, insights, names and blessings that occur in life. Record joys, hopes and prayers in a simple manner and preserve them forever. Chart how God answers prayers in your life and the lives of others. The SPIRITUAL JOURNAL makes the perfect gift for a cherished friend or relative. It is my desire that this SPIRITUAL JOURNAL will become your daily companion and a valued treasure to refer to for inspiration and blessings._,

  • ISBN: 9781545620656
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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