seeking spirits

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Are you a spiritual seeker? &nbsp, A seeker does not blindly accept what they are told.&nbsp, They want to understand for themselves.&nbsp, If they find they are on a spiritual path that is only an illusion, they will seek elsewhere.&nbsp, Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic, or already on a spiritual journey, you can find the answers you seek.&nbsp,&nbsp, This book will teach you the basics of self-directed psychic and mediumistic development.&nbsp, It will also point the way to further spiritual studies.&nbsp, Do not allow other people&#39,s fears and misunderstandings to hold you back from the spiritual adventure of a lifetime. The love of the spirit world awaits. &quot,Rev. Watson&#39,s book is a wonderful primer for those on the path of spirituality. All would be well served who are &nbsp,beginning their adventure by reading this marvelous little book.&quot, ~ Pat Matson, Copywriter, PatsWriteMind.com_,

  • ISBN: 9780995283619
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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