planet x and the kolbrin bible connection

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Greg Jenner es, hoy en día, uno de los historiadores en vida más importantes del Planeta X, ¡si no es el mejor! …

Nibiru, Hercolubus, Red Planet, Frightener and so on. Author and Planet X historian Greg Jenner spent decades connecting the dots for this book so that you can master this content in a single day. In this book, he reveals startling connections between the Holy Bible, The Kolbrin Bible and other folklore, wisdom texts and predictions. He outlines ‘the return’ of the Destroyer by arguing its cyclical nature. To prove the cyclical nature of the destroyer, he includes three epic sagas gleaned from the Kolbrin Bible, including the sinking of Atlantis, the Deluge (Noah’s Flood) and Exodus. As you will discover later, the Destroyer caused or contributed to all three of these events. If you are amongst those who have experienced life-changing dreams, visions, premonitions and epiphanies of catastrophic events to come, you ll love this book. As an essential companion book to The Kolbrin Bible, it is also a related title to include Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide and Crossing the Cusp

  • ISBN: 9781597720700
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

"Greg Jenner spent decades connecting the dots for this book. Now you can do the same, in a single evening!"-Marshall MastersGreg Jenner is one of the top Planet X historians alive today – if not the best! He believes that the ancients were extremely clear in their warnings to us about Planet X.He believes the ancients were extremely clear in their warnings to us about Planet X, and in this groundbreaking work, he makes it all click together like a box of Legos.Excerpt From The Introduction "This work will outline 'the return' of the Destroyer by arguing its cyclical nature. To prove this crucial point, this writer includes three epic sagas gleaned from The Kolbrin Bible, including: The sinking of Atlantis (Egypt's motherland)The Deluge (Noah's Flood), including a Celtic account of the DelugeThe Exodus (including the slaves flight to freedom)As you will discover later, the Destroyer caused or contributed to all three of these events."Planet X Prophecy Explained According to Jenner, "The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone of Planet X!" This is because the historical accounts in this ancient secular anthology have enabled him to correlate a broad range of wisdom texts, folklore, and prophecy. For example, he found several passages in The Kolbrin Bible, which clearly describe the destruction of Atlantis during a previous Planet X flyby!

This book proves the return of the Destroyer as the ancient Hebrews and Egyptians called it in both the. We also know it by may different names such as: Nibiru, Hercolubus, Red Planet, Frightener and so on.Author and Planet X historian Greg Jenner spent decades connecting the dots for this book so that you can master this content in a single day. In this book, he reveals startling connections between the Holy Bible, The Kolbrin Bible and other folklore, wisdom texts and predictions. He outlines ‘the return’ of the Destroyer by arguing its cyclical nature.To prove the cyclical nature of the destroyer, he includes three epic sagas gleaned from the Kolbrin Bible, including the sinking of Atlantis, the Deluge (Noah’s Flood) and Exodus. As you will discover later, the Destroyer caused or contributed to all three of these events.»If you are amongst those who have experienced life-changing dreams, visions, premonitions and epiphanies of catastrophic events to come, you’ll love this book. As an essential companion book to The Kolbrin Bible, it is also a related title to include Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide and Crossing the Cusp: Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift by Marshall Masters.

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