nikola tesla

Portada de nikola tesla

Nikola Tesla fue un inventor, ingeniero eléctrico y mecánico serbio nacionalizado estadounidense, ​​​ célebre por sus contribuciones al diseño del moderno suministro de electricidad de corriente alterna.​

In a rich tapestry of 20 articles, Nikola Tesla&#39,s channeled information through Francesca Thoman covers a wide variety of subjects such as Quantum Entangled Inductive Resonance, Para-sound Encoding in DNA, Examining the Costs of Emotional Pain and the Human Nature of Healing.From his afterlife vantage point, Nikola Tesla explores issues regarding Humanity, the Divine Being and its creation of reality through Humanity, and how to change your perceptions of Civility and Gratitude for your own benefit._,

  • ISBN: 9781513620800
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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