modern hippie

Portada de modern hippie

Modern Hippie is a manifesto for aspiring free spirits that encourages readers to reclaim their power in order to experience a profound level of inner peace and freedom. The book begins with a journey back in time to the sixties where&nbsp,the original hippies ushered in a societal revolution based on peace and freedom. The modern hippie picks up where the original hippie left off to persue the sense of freedom that can only come&nbsp,from living a courageous life.&nbsp,The author&#39,s insights as an energy coach and spiritual teacher are shared along with her own personal journey to illustrate the winding and sometimes challenging road that is taken when one commits to spiritual freedom. The Reader&nbsp,will become inspired to walk the path that only he or she can walk–the&nbsp,path of fearlessness that ultimately sets one free._,

  • ISBN: 9780996458108
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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