la cultura latinoamericana en el español de aqui y alla

Portada de la cultura latinoamericana en el español de aqui y alla

family, social stratification, politics, religion, the position of women, transportation problems, drugs and trafficking, traditional healers, the concept of time, the social stratification of language, the life of some indigenous cultures in the high Andes and in the deep jungles, students visiting a foreign country, in addition to some other topics of interest. Each chapter starts with an ethnographic description of some cultural aspects of a geographical area and its people. Some cultural aspects are suggested to participate on discussions related to the chapter. The student is asked to translate simple sentences into Spanish. The verbal interaction among the people in the described area is reflected in the dialectal variations collected, which leads to questions to measure the student’s comprehension level. Cultural notes are explained at the end of each chapter.

  • ISBN: 9781524563479
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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