invisible chains

Portada de invisible chains

BOOK SUMMARY Ms. Lewis wants you to trust the Word of God so you can live happy, unabridged, and free. God promises great blessings to his people. He will never fail you nor lead you astray. He desires you to be free from all types of bondages and chains. In fact, I can hear the chains falling! You are free! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The Word states, My people perish for the lack of knowledge. As you read through the pages in this book, you will be able to recognize the power within to live free from any type of strongholds of invisible chains (addiction, betrayal, fear, spiritual and mental strongholds, etc.).  ENDORSEMENTS I believe this book will be an amazing read. Its stimulating and flames up your faith like no other. I am so excited for Sister Demecia Lewis and pray that God would use this book to bless so many people in the kingdom of God. Prophetess Michell Lopez  Cofounder LUIS LOPEZ MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL           Charlotte, NC ABOUT THE AUTHOR Demecia Lewis is a Christian, Entrepreneur, Mother, and Wife. A fervent prayer warrior who has a heart for winning souls. Demecia has overcome many obstacles in life by her faith in God she continues to encourage and intercede for others._,

  • ISBN: 9781545615447
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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